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GreenAir:OnAir - Episode 2 - Are you wasting money measuring things that won’t be there?
19 May 2014
Knowing why you are measuring for certain pollutants helps to ensure your specification is both relevant and cost effective and that issues affecting the productivity, comfort and safety of your staff will be identified.
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AIRLOG comes to London
07 May 2014
A new platform for indoor environments across Europe is coming . . . latest meeting of the partners was held in London this week.
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GreenAir:OnAir - Episode 1 - 3 things everyone should measure
01 May 2014
Very few offices actually present a risky place to work, so a suitable air monitoring regime should assist in creating a comfortable, and more importantly for an employer, a productive place to work.
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GreenAir:OnAir – A series of articles informing potential buyers of IAQ surveys
16 April 2014
‘Green Air: On Air’ is a series of articles providing objective advice on the things that really matter to indoor air quality.
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AIRLOG project advancing well
16 April 2013
AIRLOG, the EU funded project to create a platform for indoor air quality across Europe, is progressing well.
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Indoor air quality platform for Europe
29 April 2011
Green Air Monitoring is one of five businesses across the EU currently participating in a research and development project aimed at rectifying this. The project is called AIRLOG.
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